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Autographed bookplates now available!
Self-sticking, 3" x 4" (roughly 7.5 cm x 10 cm), available in plain background or with a colored border. I sign it, you stick it in your book.
Plain bookplate |
Bookplate with colored border |
Want one?
If you're in the U.S.: send a stamped, self-addressed envelope (any standard letter size is fine, as long as a 3" x 4" bookplate will fit inside) to the address below. State whether you'd prefer a bookplate with a plain or colored border (if you don't specify, you'll get plain), and, if you'd like the bookplate personalized, the name of the person to whom I should sign it. Send request and SASE to:
M.J. Pearson, P.O. Box 40663, Indianapolis, IN 46240
If you're outside the U.S.: Honestly, I don't want to deal with IRCs or whatever they make you send these days, so I'll pay for the postage. All I ask is that in return, you send me a picture postcard of where you live, and I'll stick it on my wall. Requests can be emailed--just remember to include your full address, preference for plain or colored-border bookplate, and the name you'd like it signed to. And then send me a postcard here, if you feel like it:
M.J. Pearson, P.O. Box 40663, Indianapolis, IN 46240, USA
Q: What if I really, really prefer an autographed copy of the book?
A: As of January 2007, Seventh Window Publications has a limited number of autographed copies of The Price of Temptation available to U.S. residents for $12.95, with free shipping. A Different Light may still have signed copies of both Price and Discreet Young Gentleman, so if you're interested, check with them for details. Out Word Bound in Indianapolis may also have copies of Discreet Young Gentleman remaining from my signing last month--email them here.